A very belated happy new year from the team at WEA Planning!
We’ve had a busy month in the office, with successful decision notices coming through, including:
· Householder Appeal approval in LB Richmond for extensions, which also gave us opportunity to test out the beta householder appeal system. Read more about this project in our last blog post.
· LB Brent Planning Committee approved a part-retrospective and part-proposed planning permission for extensions and subdivision of the dwelling into 2 flats in response to enforcement action.
· Approval for a Certificate of Lawfulness for an HMO in LB Hillingdon demonstrating that the HMO had been in use for over 10 years.
January has been a busy month for planning updates, in the wake of the NPPF (2024). Catch up on all of the news in planning this month:
· A survey has found the extent of the challenges with resourcing for Local Planning Authorities.
· The draft planning fees to be launched on 1st April 2025 have been announced, with considerable changes for householder applications, variation/removal of conditions, Prior Approvals and major schemes.
· Statistics for planning applications in July - September 2024 were released this month, showing that the numbers of planning applications and decisions had decreased from the previous year.
· The first appeal decisions with grey belt implications have started to appear, showing practical implications for the definition and rules of grey belt. A Surrey Green Belt was proposal for 2 new dwellings was allowed on 10th January, Appeal ref: APP/M3645/W/24/3347328.
· New RTPI president Helen Fadipe MBE, FRTPI was inaugurated on the 22nd, with plans to change the narrative around planning and public perception of the sector.
· Further updates on planning reform have been announced – focusing on sustainable locations, NSIPs, and environmental impact, further details can be found in this working paper.
· LB Enfield local plan public inquiry has started this month, watch the recordings online and you can find some commentary on the proposed Green Belt release.
· Long term flood risk maps were updated on the 28th, with changes to the Flood Map for Planning expected in March.
· Updates for Lower Thames Crossing and Heathrow Expansion announced with Reeves’ support https://www.theplanner.co.uk/2025/01/29/reeves-backs-heathrow-and-oxcam-arc-among-raft-developments
Planning education we have enjoyed this month:
· We have found the new PINS webinars informative and engaging, catch up on the recordings if you didn’t sign up.
WEA Planning are currently advising businesses and homeowners on a range of proposals and would be happy to respond to your query today.